The last blog entry got a lot of reaction from folks. Truthfully, I worry that I will never be able to top it. A greater part of me desperately hopes I never top it, but that's neither here nor there.
And in the wake of such a gold mine of writing material, I'm finding that this week's post (I'm aiming for once a week if you haven't noticed) just ain't writing itself. The post is waiting offstage like the act to follow Pavarotti, sneaking in one last smoke, holding back a little vomit and nervously exclaiming to anyone passing by, "Seriously? Seriously, people?? I gotta follow that?!?"
Poor little post.
Anywho, I decided that while I figure out how to deal with the fact that this blog may very well have peaked at entry number 8, I would enlist a little help from you.
She needs a name.
"Catchy Title Goes Here" was never intended to be permanent. I'm well aware it's kinda lame sounding and doesn't give the reader any clue as to what he is about to read. However, it is a spot-on accurate representation of what I was thinking at the moment of creation, thoughts that went something like this, "I have no idea what to name this damn blog. Why do blogs need names anyway? That's stupid. I'll name it later."
Also, I was not entirely sure if this second go at writing was going to be at all sustainable, so why waste time and precious brain power thinking up a title for something that may only exist for a week. That's just crazy talk.
So now that this little red-headed bastard stepchild is a few months old, and I think she'll be around for awhile, let's take one step further towards making this whole operation legit by giving her a name that isn't immediately met with a slightly confused, blank stare. After all, I don't wanna be in the same category as this girl's parents.
That's where you, dear friends, come in. I'm halfway decent at many things, ranging from paper/rock/scissors to novice-level Excel spreadsheet manipulations. I can hold my own in the kitchen and on the ultimate field. I've been told I'm a better than average kisser. I've successfully kept two cats alive for several years. I've been known to be an asset at the flip cup table. But I'm crap at naming things.
Some thoughts to keep in mind:
1. While this blog tends to veer towards the dating misadventures of myself and those around me, it's not limited to that. It just so happens that the dating misadventures of myself and those around me tend to make for more interesting reading than what I cooked for dinner last night and are less likely to get me fired if accidentally discovered by my boss than ranting about the latest asinine thing one of my customers said that day. However, in the event that a single, nice, gainfully employed, non-poly amorous man with no mommy or commitment issues should come my way, the name should not have type casted the blog, lest we find ourselves in a pickle.
2. Positive word association is a plus. Becky G. is the one that got me thinking about this re-naming project with her comment on the last post. And while I do think "Don't Hassle the Hop" is a hilarious name, I would like to avoid setting up a mind association between me and David Hasselhoff or similar:
Ideally, the name of this blog will make me sound hot. If that's possible. (Am I the only one that noticed that there was no way to read that line without staring at the Hoff's junk? Made ya look, heh heh...)
3. Keep it family-friendly.... you know, so I can keep making eye contact with family members.
If you have enjoyed reading this blog so far, take a moment and pay it back by dropping a comment with an idea, or at very least an empty promise that you're trying to think of one. No idea will be ridiculed, we're all just brainstorming here. The winner will receive a secret, yet to be announced prize. Probably something lying around my house or if you're lucky a gluten-free baked good. And of course my eternal gratitude 'n stuff.
Talula Plays the Hula ain't got nuthin' on me,
Men, Mixers, and other Musings?
ReplyDeleteWhat on god's green earth is wrong with Don't Hassle the Hop?! Hilarious title AND you get the Hoff association to boot!
ReplyDeleteHow about "Late to the Party" ? I feel like it's vague enough to apply to a lot of different meanings. And for some reason I really like it.
ReplyDeleteor "Fashionably Late to the Party"...
ReplyDeleteHow about: "Khop would..." and then you use each entry title to finish the sentence.
ReplyDeleteWhat, too punny?
So I must say, so far I am loving all of these.
ReplyDeleteCassie, very clever and combines two of my favorite things: men and alcohol.
Squeaks, you're giving me pause to reconsider "Don't hassle the hop".
Rob, "Fashionably late" is quite apt b/c not only has ultimate time bled into the rest of my life, making me a standard 30 minutes late for everything, but i'm also always way far behind on trends and technology. My only concern with it, though is that it may slightly imply that I'm retarded. Although maybe that was intentional on your part?? ;)
Shazam, like the thought and sets itself up well to be thematic.
Anyone else?
I am partial to "Don't Hassle the Hop"... the other suggestions are good as well.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of anything, but I promise to keep mulling it over...
My one and only thought: "You Can't Make This Stuff Up"...though that provides no more info. than than the current title! :)
"Any Way You Slice It" (strong, opinonated, kinda cooking related... but unfortunately conjuring up Lorena Bobbit for me)
ReplyDelete"What Khop Knows"
True to my word I'll continue to think about this... I just can't guarantee it's going to get any better!
Thank you all for the very helpful feedback! I've been wrapped up in soup swap preparations, and have not been able to make a decision. This week, i feel a new title coming on... :)
ReplyDeleteI kinda like "Don't Hassle the Hop". Sorry, I don't have any other creative ideas for you. All I can think of is "Khop's world review". Or "Khop 1, men 0". Yeah, this is why I'm not a writer.