As I mentioned last night, I skipped my 7:30pm Monday night swim. I skipped the 1.5 hour, blackout-inducing, booty-reducing workout that also serves as an escape from whatever else may be on my mind as I concentrate intently for 90 minutes on Trying Not To Die.
All day I fully intended and wanted to go. I ate my 6pm bowl of pasta to fuel up on carbs. I got all my work done in time, and my bag was all packed. There was nothing stopping me. So how did this happen? Well, a rather complex rationalization process started to unravel, prompted the side of my brain that rather resents such a brutal ass kicking and wishes the same result could be obtained via 20 minutes on the elliptical or similar. It went down something like this:
6:11: Text comes in from lane mate, Steve, giving me a head's up he's not going. huh. To give some background, I am, by far, the slowest person that swims at this time slot, and I have not yet obtained the mental fortitude to not be intimidated by this. There are a group of 5 or 6 swimmers that are within my grasp of keeping pace with, and if enough of us are there to fill a lane, then I'm in OK shape. If not, it's just, well, pathetic.
6:12: - 7:00: Fleeting thoughts in the back of my brain wondering who else will be at practice. Several mental notes made to get all lane members' cell digits. "So what?!" yells Booty, each time. "You're going!" "Fine..." mumbles Wimpy Self, along with a few unintelligible expletives.
7:00 - 7:10: Lie down on bed to read for just a few minutes prior to departing at 7:15 for practice. Enjoy breeze of ceiling fan. Ah, so nice and cool.
7:11: Recall that awful moment of the first cold dive in the water and the following 50 m spent adjusting to the water temp. Ugh. Only 19 minutes away from that. The deliciously evil thought occurs: What if I just didn't go?
Oh my! How naughty!
7:11 - 7:20: Open combat in my brain as Wimpy Self battles my Booty in a sudden, forceful sneak attack, looping the following arguments:
- You just swam yesterday.
- You didn't sleep well last night and desperately want to sleep early tonight, which never happens on a swim night because said swim revs up your metabolism so much.
- Wouldn't your time be equally well if not better spent working on the basement?
- You can swim tomorrow instead.
- Steve isn't going. Who else might be not going? Remember the time you had to swim in a faster lane and even with fins on you couldn't keep up?
- Didn't the new issue of Time just report that eating well, not exercise, is more effective at weight loss? So you'll just make sure to not eat anything else tonight.
Booty kept its replies short and sweet, "Just GO, you fat fuck. GOOOOO!"
"You know, you don't need to speak to me that way."
Oh, for crying out loud.
Soon I had arrived at the conclusion that it was acceptable to skip practice as long as I a) made good use of the evening by working on unpacking my basement (which I did. some.), b) went to bed and got up early (check and check), and c) swam the next day (not as good as going to practice but better than nothing.) Besides, I had deliberated for so long that it was pointless to go now because I would be late and no one likes a Tardy Tess. (complete BS)
Problem is, even if I do swim today, thus keeping up Wimpy Self's end of the bargain, I still feel like I let myself down.
Please tell me you do this too???
Slave to the Booty,
I have that battle every day after work. I eat pasta and then convince myself I should goto swimming for the next hour, while finding reasons I shouldn't go.. even though none of them are legitimate. (except for last night! i actually had a reason not to go)
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how despite the thousands of reasons to go work out, all it takes is one (and a weak one at best) for us to decide not to. For me anyway.
ReplyDeleteGreat writing!
I have a similar argument with myself pretty much every day on my way home from work. In fact, I'm having it right now. I could A) Change clothes and go run or B) Just take off my pants and catch up on internet gossip. The fact that I already have my computer open is an ominous (yet typical)sign of my ultimate decision. The fact that I'm admitting this on your blog _is_ giving me a slight urge to exercise, though :)
ReplyDeleteah, thanks. i feel better knowing i'm in good company. oh and susanne, i'm starting to think you put on your pants *just* so you can take them off. :) good times!
ReplyDeleteAH! I love this post. I had the same argument with myself all day about not wanting to work out and finally dragged my butt to the new Wilson Aquatic center. 31 million dollars worth of brand spanking new swimming glory. 50 m pool, lane swimmers only, clean, nice, low wake. Ahh. Everything was great until I showered and put my swimsuit in the suit-dryer. This Mom walked over to me as I pulled out my suit and realized there was a DIAPER in there. She said she thought it was a trash compactor but not to worry, the diaper wasn't dirty. YUCK!
ReplyDeleteSo how 'bout this almost happened to me again last night, this time Wimpy Self persisting the entire bike ride to the pool?? It was freezing out, and riding over to the pool with a sweatshirt on was not telling me good things about the 90 minutes to come. Thankfully, Booty won out.
ReplyDeleteoh, and melinda? how can you not love an olympic swim center that's named after you?!? :)
New take on the mental battle...
ReplyDeleteGraduate college, get job, move to not-so-strange city...blah blah blah, but manage to stay committed to gym thus keeping rocking body. YAY!
Life continues...receive life altering injury. BANNED from gym. WTF thoughts ensue. Then laziness sets in. Fight laziness then having been worn down by the goodness of coming home and eating whatever discover injury is healed enough to re-visit gym but cannot as now resemble the Michelin Tire Man.
Turmoil ensues....
Trainer. YAY!
New injury. Banned from gym for unknown period of time...